The symbols Heart, Diamond and Spade of her teammates have already been used in other series.
Alice is the second Cure to have previous professional martial arts training.Alice seems to have considerable influence in town as she is able to erase all the security camera footage of the Cures' fights.Cure Rosetta's pose after the transformation is really similar to Sailor Mercury.Along with this, her transformations scenes are more bubbly and upbeat than her teammates.In the transformation scenes, Cure Rosetta's pose is similar to Cure Muse's pose.(Rosetta is Italian for "rose") The first being Cure Rouge (French), and second being Cure Aqua (Latin). Cure Rosetta is the third Cure in the franchise to not have an English name.Cure Rosetta is the third protagonist to have yellow theme color clothes but orange hair after Cure Pine and Cure Muse.The top of Cure Rosetta's pigtails look similar to Lance's bear-like ears, as he is a bear-like fairy mascot and is Rosetta's transformation partner.It hasn't appeared yet, but it seems that is going to appear in episode 31 or 32 along with the other cures new attacks. Rosetta Ballon is Cure Rosetta third individual attack performed with Magical Lovely Pad.Although Rosetta Reflection is a defensive attack, the attack is also used for purifying Cutie Madame, which was used in Episode 25. She makes a clover-shaped wall then appears and she uses it for defence. She needs the Love Heart Arrow, and her Cure Lovead. Rosetta Reflection is Cure Rosetta's secondary individual attack with the incantation Pretty Cure, Rosetta Reflection! It appears in Episode 11.It is the first defensive attack in the Doki Doki! series. Rosetta Wall is Cure Rosetta's main defense, with the incantation "Stiff and Strong, Rosetta Wall!".She attended the same elementary school as Mana and Rikka, however, she now attends a private middle school, Nanatsu Hashi Academy, instead. However, she sometimes says or does things which deviate from popular sentiment, shocking her friends. Due to her upbringing, she is a girl of many talents, from music to sports to cooking.

On her right side, hangs her Lovely Commune.Īlice is the mistress and heiress of Yotsuba Enterprises, an extremely successful business conglomerate. Her boots end below her knees and are centerlined, with round toetips and yellow ribbons at the top on each side. There are feathers and yellow ribbons on her wrists. There is an orange heart on her left side. Her costume resembles Echo's, with white sleeves like Sunshine's, and a green ribbon with short ends at her stomach. There are large double hair rings on top of her head. Her hairstyle is made up of twin tails with large curls at the end. Her casual outfit consists of a white lace dress with two yellow streaks, yellow camisole with three dark orange ribbons, dark yellow pantyhose and dark grey slippers.Ĭure Rosetta has orange eyes and hair. Alice has dark orange hair which is tied up in two buns with a couple strands let loose and her eyes are just darker orange.